Sunday, November 14, 2010

What's The Point Anyway?

I have been thinking lately:
"What is the point, anyway?"
Not in a bad, dangerous, way, just thinking.
Although it has been taking a toll on my nerves.
I think too much, yes, I do. My doctor told me so.
And I feel it.
I carry these thoughts like a burden. Thinking is a burden.
Children, let me give you a little bit of advice:
Learn as much as you can,
but don't think too much,
or you won't get ahead,
at least not in this world of ours.
This world is for hoop jumpers.
Jump high little ones!
Achieve! Go! Go! Go!
We live in a world of:
Thinking is not efficient in today's economy.
It's a big waste of time.
"You could be working harder, you know!"
"Get to work, lazy bastard!"
"You should be networking, making connections!"
"It's about who you know, not what you know."
As for me, I don't stop. Thinking.
But until you get to the bottom of it,
to the root of the root,
how are you supposed to stop?